Items and Records in Our Museum
Pieces here consist of period furniture, religious art, artifacts from the early Hotel Dieu Hospital and the Religious Hospitallers of Saint Joseph. The museum also contains yearbooks from St. Thomas College, St, Michael’s Academy, and Chatham Grammar School.
Priests, Bishops, and Religious Sisters
Prominent people from the Miramichi area (early poets, politicians, businessmen)
Organizations & Institutions:
Hotel Dieu Hospital
Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph
St. Joseph’s Preparatory School for Boys
St. Michael’s Academy
St. Michael’s Basilica
St. Michael’s Parish
St. Thomas University
Surrounding Parishes
Local History:
Town of Chatham
Shipping Vessels and industry
Various Religious Articles
Church Records​
Alnwick Presbyterian (1833-1889)
Baie St. Anne (1801-1902)
Blessed Virgin Mary, Chatham Head
Knox United Church, Loggieville, Douglastown, Nelson, Sevogle, and Millerton
Most Pure Heart of Mary, Barnaby River (1882-1919)
St. Bridget’s, Renous (1853-1902)
St. Margaret’s and Bayside (1861-1916)
St. Mary’s, Newcastle (1863-1908)
St. Michael’s, Chatham (1838-1917)
St. Patrick’s Nelson, Miramichi (1827-1912)
St. Paul’s Anglican, Bushville (Baptisms: 1822-1884 ; Marriages: 1830-1970 ; Burials: 1822-1970)
St. Peter and Paul, Bartibogue (1800-1826 & 1866-1899)
St. Raphael’s, Blackville + Howard’s (1830-1900)
Also included is a small collection of records on the Aboriginal people of the Miramichi.
Burial Records and Cemetery Inscriptions
All Saints R.C. Cemetery Millbank
Burnt Church Union Cemetery
Church of Scotland – St. Andrew’s, Chatham – Gravestone inscriptions
Howard’s (the Forks) and Renous – R.C. Cemetery records
MacDonald Family Undertaker Records (1906-1920)
Moorfields Presbyterian Cemetery
Saunders Cemetery
St. Brigid’s R.C. Cemetery, Renous
St. John & St. Luke (John Street Chatham)
St. Margaret’s Cemetery
St. Marks United Douglastown
St. Michael’s Chatham – Burial records and gravestone inscriptions
St. Patrick’s – Gravestone inscriptions
St. Peter & Paul, Bartibogue Bridge
St. Raphael’s Blackville
St. Samuel’s Douglastown
St. Stephan’s United Church Cemetery Black River Bridge
Stymiest Cemetery
Tabusintac Riverside Cemetery
Wilson’s Point – Cemetery Records
Other Northumberland County records on file
Census Records 1851 – Restigouche, Kings, Westmoreland, and Albert Counties
Edith McAllister Papers – 1834-1914 (Vital Statistics)
Louise Manny Files – 1833-1873 (Vital Statistics)
Maps of early land grants on the Miramichi.
Newspapers – Chatham World (1882-1916), Union Advocate (1874-1911), North Shore Leader (1906-1925)
These local papers list events such as marriages, births, local happenings, deaths, and advertisements.
Northumberland County Census for 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901
These records provide the names, ages, countries of birth, dates when they entered the colony, religion, relation to one another, and occupation of all persons in Northumberland County.
Northumberland County Council Minutes – 1876-1886
These are minutes taken from the County Council Sessions and often contain settlers’ names and additional information which may be useful.
Northumberland County Court Sessions of Quarterly Sessions – 1789-1909
These contain sessions held at Beaubear’s Point (The Enclosure) and in Newcastle.
Northumberland County Inquests and Inquisitions – 1818-1859
These contain inquests into death and accidents.
Northumberland County Land Petitions – 1783-1854
These contain letters from the new settlers to the Government, applying for land, containing information about the settlers.
Northumberland County Marriage Registry – 1780-1887
Northumberland School Reports – 1825-1878
Records the number of the school, the teachers’ names, and the students’ names and ages.
Northumberland County Wills – 1776-1845
There is a great deal of genealogical information in these records.
Whitty Files – Various Notes and Articles from early newspapers.